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Cashmere care can be a bit of a hassle – unless you learn the basic rules that are worth following. Check out our guide.
What is cashmere? Meet the noble variety of wool
Wondering what cashmere is? For those familiar with textile issues, this may not be obvious. Therefore, we explain that cashmere is a noble material for the production of which the delicate wool of Kashmiri goats is used.
The very process of creating a fabric is time-consuming and expensive. As a result, cashmere is a relatively expensive fabric. However, like natural wool, cashmere is an excellent material excellent for creating coats and palts with high durability. The investment in good quality material will pay off for years!
Our wholesaler imports carefully selected Italian materials, so you can be sure that you are buying a premium product. Check out our selection of cashmere fabrics.
How to wash cashmere?
In the case of materials such as cashmere and wool, simple care works well, i.e. rare and hand-washed at low temperatures, non-invasive squeezing and delicate detergents.
So, how to safely wash cashmere?
First of all, instead of frequent washing, a much better option will be to air or treat cashmere clothing with steam. This type of material is difficult to dirty, so intensive cleaning of sweaters and coats is unnecessary. What else to keep in mind?
- However, if washing is necessary, remember to wash cashmere by hand. The water temperature must not exceed 30°C. Why? Because the high temperature causes the wool fibers to shrink, so that in this way you can cause irreparable damage and deformation of the material.
- Cashmere can be washed in a washing machine – a program dedicated to washing wool or washing delicate things at low temperature will work best in this case.
- We recommend using a small amount of detergents and reaching for products dedicated to washing wool. In the case of cashmere, we do not use softener, as it can stick to the fibers. Effect? Compact and devoid of fluffiness material.
- After washing, it is absolutely forbidden to pluck cashmere. In this way, delicate fibers can be damaged very easily. Instead, it is enough to gently squeeze out excess water. To do this, roll the cashmere material into a towel and gently press.
- Dry cleaning of cashmere will only be needed when removing larger dirt that we are not able to cope with.
Care for cashmere – a fabric that requires care
Cashmere is a fabric with exceptional fluffiness and durability. Therefore, it is often used as an addition to wool in coats and winter jackets. Like silk, it belongs to the group of exclusive materials that not only look beautiful, but are also extremely comfortable to wear. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the proper care of cashmere!
- Drying cashmere
After washing, the cashmere is dried in a horizontal position, flat. Under the influence of weight wool, it is very easy to pull out and deform. Cashmere clothes should also not be exposed to direct sunlight.
- Cashmere pressing
Cashmere does not crease. This is definitely good news for people who do not like ironing! However, if it is necessary to apologize the material, it is worth doing it through a damp cloth or towel.
- Cashmere storage
For heavier clothes, it is safest to store cashmere lying down. Lighter sweaters, jackets or coats can be hung on hangers – as long as they are the right size and are devoid of sharp ends. Also pay attention to moles. These are insects that have taken a liking to wool and cashmere. It is worth investing in accessories and repellent preparations. A special sachet or bag with dried lavender will work well.
What to do when cashmere pills?
Cashmere and wool tend to pill up. The material can quickly become covered with small balls – especially in places exposed to friction. For this reason, remember to shave your clothes regularly. To do this, use a clothes shaver or a special cashmere brush. Be careful, however, not to press the accessories too hard – careless movement can cut the fibers, creating holes.